The Website of Newsquest (NE) Ltd.
was launched on July 1st 1998 as part of the family
of 'Thisis' Websites owned by Newsquest and Northcliffe.
It is an information gateway to the
North East and northern area of North Yorkshire, and
aims to provide a comprehensive range of information
both at regional and individual town levels. It is based
on the content of The Northern Echo, Darlington & Stockton
Times, and the Advertiser Series as well as the directories
Eat! Shop! Leisure Guide, Northern People and the county
Citizens' Guides. The site is updated as each newspaper
or directory is published. 'FS Auctions' allows visitors
to enter the world of on-line auctions.
In addition to the content generated
by Newsquest (NE) Ltd., the site benefits from the national
database services Fish4Cars, Fish4Homes, Fish4Jobs and