Polam Hall School educates children from age 2 to 18. Our nursery, Junior School and Sixth Form are co-educational whilst the Senior School is for girls only. We offer flexi, weekly and full boarding for girls between 8 and 18.
Over 150 years Polam Hall School has built an excellent reputation for both academic excellence and the development of the individual. By experiencing and enjoying exciting Drama, Art, Music and Sport alongside their academic subjects, the students are prepared not just for exams but for life itself. This approach is taken throughout the school from the early years to the sixth form.
Students from Polam Hall continue to enjoy remarkable success at public examinations at both GCSE and A level across a broad range of subjects. Polam Hall was the top independent school in County Durham at A level in 2009! At A level 6 students achieved 100% in their examinations, including Physics, Geography, Art, and Mathematics and over one third of students gained 3 A grades or more. GCSE results were equally impressive with over a third of the candidates achieving 7 A*/A grades. Recently students have accepted places at Oxford and Cambridge and others have taken up exciting courses in a broad range of Universities. Many go on to study traditional subjects -Law, Medicine, Veterinary Science - and many choose newer courses such as Engineering, Performance Studies or Forensic Psychology.
We would be delighted to show you around our school. Please contact Mrs Craggs at the school for a prospectus and to arrange an appointment.