Middleton St George is a village primary school with 207 pupils
at present. The school caters for boys and girls from 4+ to
11 years of age. The mission statement requires the school 'to
provide a high quality service, which includes a range of social
and educational experiences appropriate to the age, ability
and needs of the children'
The school is proud that it holds:
The Investor in People Award 1994 and 1998
The Business Excellence Award for Lifelong Learning
The Healthy School Award 1993 - 1999
Governors Make a Difference Award 1997 (good
practice in Drugs Education)
For a prospectus or visit to the school call
+44 (0) 1325 332230
Headteacher: Mrs M P Chadwick M.A.
Middleton St. George Community School, Neasham
Darlington, County Durham DL2 1LD