 Early Steps Nursery in Darlington is a day nursery for boys and girls located on the edge of Darlington in Co Durham. Providing excellent childcare for children between the ages of 3 and 5 we value highly the simple fact that children deserve to enjoy their childhood and just have fun through learning.
Located in the grounds of Polam Hall
School we take advantage of the beautiful school grounds and adventure playground, and often observe the wildlife around the pond and river.
We recognise the importance of the foundation stage in a child's development and have a fully qualified nursery teacher and nursery nurses who look after the children. Each day is carefully planned and monitored, taking advantage of the many resources available to us.
Our children are looked after in a warm and caring environment which successfully prepares them for the next steps in their lives.
Working in partnership with Darlington Borough Council, Early Steps Nursery accepts the NURSERY EDUCATION GRANT for children aged 3 and 4.
If you would like to visit us or seek more information please contact us at: Early Steps Polam Hall School Grange Road Darlington.
Tel. 00 44 (0) 1325 463383 Fax. 00 44 (0) 1325 383539
Website. Polam Hall School
